Attention local

business owners:

Attention local business owners:

Struggling to generate consistent customers?

Ready To Figure

Out Facebook Ads For Your Local Business?

This Intro to Ads Mini Course is your step-by-step beginner's guide to ads and lead generation for your local business.

Struggling to generate consistent customers?

Ready To Figure Out Facebook Ads For Your Local Business?

This Intro to Ads Mini Course is your step-by-step beginner's guide to

navigating social media ads and consistent lead generation with ease.

Struggling To Generate Consistent Customers And Don't Know Where

To Start With Facebook Ads?

This Intro to Ads Mini Course is your step-by-step beginner's guide to

Facebook Ads and lead generation for your local business.

This Intro to Ads Mini Course is your step-by-step beginner's guide to Facebook Ads and lead generation for your local business.

– Featured In –

See What Other Local Business Owners Are Saying

Part of you * knows * that ads are the

next best step for your local business...

The fact that ads are a way to:

⟶ Generate consistent leads, appointments & customers

(in a way that doesn't require relying on referrals or non-effective traditional marketing methods to grow your business)

⟶ Have control, stability and predictability in your business growth

(so you can finally get off the "feast or famine" revenue rollercoaster and have peace of mind over your finances)

⟶ Dominate your market and create massive brand awareness

(by reaching thousands of targeted, ideal customers and become the "go-to" in your area for as little as $10/day)

⟶ Scale on autopilot

(and put your money to work for you while leaving the prospecting, lead generating, pre-qualifying & appointment setting to your Facebook ads & back end automations)

But if you're anything like the 700+ small

business owners that I've worked with...

Getting started in the world of Facebook ads can feel confusing, frustrating and intimidating

You've tried "boosting" ads but that was a complete waste

You don't want to hire an ad agency that'll cost at least $1500+/month

Any ad tutorials you find online are either outdated, too advanced or just outright didn't work

So you're left with the desire to grow your business and the capacity to handle more customers...

Yet, no idea how to make it all happen.

Sound Familiar?

If you've ever said...

"How do I generate leads & booked appointments?"

"The Ads Manager confuses me"

"I've wasted too much money on ads"

"I have no idea what a pixel is or how to use it properly"

"How do I target my ideal customers or retarget?"

"What's the difference between a campaign, ad set or ad?"

... Then you're exactly who the Intro to

Ads Mini Course was made for.

... Then you're exactly who the Intro to Ads Mini Course was made for.


Intro to Ads Mini Course

Your step-by-step beginner's guide to Facebook™ Ads

and lead generation for your local business.



"I finally have clarity when it comes to running my own ads....

If you're confused on where to start, look no further. This is exactly what I was needing. She gets straight to the point and walks you through the Facebook/Instagram ads platform. I now feel confident I can handle my own campaigns!" – Jennifer Barias

"I finally have clarity when it comes to Facebook ads....

If you're confused on where to start, look no further. This is exactly what I was needing. She gets straight to the point and walks you through the Facebook/Instagram ads platform.

I now feel confident I can handle my own campaigns!"

– Jennifer Barias

Say hello to the

Intro to Ads Mini Course:

Say Hello to the Intro to Ads Mini Course:

Your step-by-step roadmap to getting started

and navigating Facebook & Instagram ads with ease.

(Take this before my Ads Simplified program!)

Your step-by-step roadmap to getting started and navigatingFacebook's Business Manager and Ads Manager with ease.


$47 USD


$37 USD

Here's What's

Waiting For You Inside...

Proper Business

Manager Set Up

Your business manager is the "home" to your Ads Manager. You'll be guided through setting yours up properly so you know without a doubt, before spending anything on ads, that your account and settings are set up correctly. This avoids hassles & setbacks down the road.

Meta Ads

Manager 101

Ads Manager is where you'll create, manage and optimize your Facebook & Instagram ads from. Learn the different campaign types, campaign levels and get a full walkthrough of all the moving parts and how to navigate them with ease so that you feel clear & confident on how to properly run your own ads.

Targeting Ideal

Audiences 101

Your targeting could be the make or break for your ads campaign – Making it one of the most crucial pieces. You'll learn how to get in front of your ideal, target audience, geographical targeting, and how to use proper keywords for the maximum results.

Proper Tracking Pixel Set Up

Learn how to set up your tracking pixels properly so your campaigns perform better, you can track results and retarget any website visitors that don't become leads. This is key to staying top of mind in your local market and forming true brand recognition.

Retargeting Audiences

Ever visited a website and then saw their ads everywhere after? Learn how to do just that so you can form true brand awareness in your market, stay top of mind, help move 'lurkers into leads' and become the go-to authority in your space.

Local Lead Generation

There's multiple ways to generate leads, each having their own pros & cons. Learn the different methods to generating leads for your local business so you can understand which is the best option for your business and needs.

Ads 101 & The Anatomy

of A Winning Ad

It's one thing to throw an ad up and hope it works, versus knowing what works. Learn all things ads – the different types, the must-haves in each one for them to be effective, the confusing CPC/CTR/CPL ad lingo and more.

My Top 10 Ad

Do's & Don'ts

Don't make the common rookie mistakes that could be causing you missed opportunities and results! Skip the guesswork and use my Top 10 Ad Do's & Don'ts as a cheatsheet to faster success with your Facebook & Instagram ads.

Private Facebook

Group Community

Get lifetime access to Christina's private Facebook group where you'll receive bonus trainings, ad updates to stay-in-the-know & network with 6 - 7 figure business owners of all industries with one common goal – To scale with ads. No selling or spam posts allowed, only straight value and networking.

"Turn Local Leads Into

Clients" Masterclass

Learn how to tap into generating your perfect ideal leads and turning them into clients on autopilot with the power of ads and automations. This masterclass dives into the 5 Phases of Customer Acquisition, the top mistakes to avoid in each phase, how to generate leads that actually need & buy what you're selling, and much more.

Spy On Your Competitors

(Ads & Targeting)

Before investing into your ads, competitive research is not only a best practice, but a must. Learn how to spy on the offer your competitors are presenting to the marketplace, the exact ads they're running and the exact targeting they're using to gain the competitive advantage and upper hand in your market.

Grow Your Instagram

Following With Locals

Want to grow your Instagram following full of local potential clients? Learn the ad strategies behind building your social proof and credibility. Prospects use your Instagram profile to learn more about your business. Don't let them get to your page and only see a couple hundred followers!

Because I genuinely want this mini course to give you the clarity and confidence you need to begin running your own ads, I'm also throwing in one of my top performing landing pages that's generated my clients $1,000,000's collectively – for FREE.

Plus once you’re in, you have lifetime access to everything inside the Mini Course so you can move at your own pace and refer back to anything whenever you need to.

Ready to dive into the world of Facebook ads for your local business?

Everything a beginner needs for a One-Time Payment of

$47 USD

"Exactly What I Needed..."

“Ok, Christina… all of this for just $47?! What’s the catch?”

Hey, I get it! If I’d seen this offer when I was just getting started in ads, I would've been skeptical too.

However, I promise there’s no catch. 

All the topics I teach within this mini course are what I go through with my 1-on-1 coaching clients, but for a fraction of the cost of a Zoom call.

I wouldn't have enough time in a day to possibly deliver this information to all the business owners who need it, so this mini course allows me to serve more business owners.

(Plus – You may find yourself wanting to jump into my advanced ads program after, and I'd love to have you!)

So if you’ve wanted to dive into ads for some time now but have no idea where to start or just need the right direction... This Intro to Ads Mini Course is for YOU!

But, like I mentioned, I *get* the skepticism, so if you buy the Mini Course and it's not what you're looking for, just email within 7 days and I’ll refund you in full — no questions asked. 

“Ok, Christina… all of this for just $47?! What’s the catch?”

Hey, I get it! If I’d seen this offer when I was just getting started in Facebook ads, I would've been skeptical too.

However, I promise there’s no catch. 

All the topics I teach within this mini course are what I go through with my 1-on-1 coaching clients, but for a fraction of the cost of a Zoom call.

I wouldn't have enough time in a day to possibly deliver this information to all the business owners who need it, so this mini course allows me to serve more business owners.

(Plus – You may find yourself wanting to jump into my advanced ads program after, and I'd love to have you!)

So if you’ve wanted to dive into ads for some time now but have no idea where to start... This Intro to Ads Mini Course is for YOU!

But, like I mentioned, I *get* the skepticism, so if you buy the Mini Course and it's not what you're looking for, just email within 7 days and I’ll refund you in full — no questions asked. 


When you buy theIntro to Ads Mini Course you get lifetime access to:

When you buy the Intro to Ads Mini Course, you get lifetime access to:

⟶ Step-by-Step Proper Business Manager Set Up

Overview of Proper Settings Setup

Connecting Your Business Facebook & Instagram page

Verifying Your Domain

& More

⟶ Full Ads Manager Walkthrough

⟶ Tracking Pixels, Events & Proper Set Up

⟶ How To Properly Generate High Quality Leads

⟶ FREE Proven Landing Page Funnel Template

⟶ 5 Phases To Customer Acquisition On Autopilot Masterclass

⟶ Master Your Targeting for Local Businesses

⟶ The Anatomy of A Facebook/Instagram Ad

⟶ Retargeting Website Traffic & Audiences 101

⟶ How To Spy On Your Competitor's Ads & Targeting To Gain A Competitive Advantage

⟶ My Top 10 Ad Do's & Dont's

⟶ Ad Ammunition Cheatsheet

⟶ Facebook Group Community

⟶ & much, much more!

The next step above this course is my advanced program. This is everything a beginner needs to get properly set up & understand the fundamentals to Facebook/Instagram Ads for their local business.

For A One-Time Payment

Of Just $47 USD


When you buy the Intro to Ads Mini Course, you get lifetime access to:

⟶ Step-by-Step Proper Business Manager Set Up

Overview of Proper Settings Setup

Connecting Your Business Facebook & Instagram page

Verifying Your Domain

& More

⟶ Full Ads Manager Walkthrough

⟶ Tracking Pixels, Events & Proper Set Up

⟶ How To Properly Generate High Quality Leads

⟶ A FREE Proven Landing Page Funnel Template

⟶ 5 Phases To Customer Acquisition On Autopilot Masterclass

⟶ Master Your Targeting for Local Businesses

⟶ The Anatomy of A Facebook/Instagram Ad

⟶ Retargeting Website Traffic & Audiences 101

⟶ How To Spy On Your Competitor's Ads & Targeting To Gain A Competitive Advantage

⟶ My Top 10 Ad Do's & Dont's

⟶ Ad Ammunition Cheatsheet

⟶ Facebook Group Community

⟶ & much, much more!

The next step above this course is my advanced program. This is everything a beginner needs to get properly set up & understand the fundamentals to Facebook/Instagram Ads for their local business.

All For Just A One-Time Payment Of Just $47 USD

Meet Your New Ads Coach

Hi, I'm Christina McMasters –

I'm a German Shepherd mom, air softer and barre-obsessed...

I’m also an expert in Facebook Ads, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my absolute passion is in teaching others the skillset to generate more customers and freedom in their life.

More customers = more money + more freedom + more fulfillment.

And teaching people how to create that for themselves is what fulfills me.

I'm a college dropout who started her first business at 18 – An ads agency with zero knowledge of how to run ads.

Fast forward to today... I've invested multi 6-figures into this skillset, served over 700+ clients, racked up 600+ 5-star reviews, been acknowledged as among the top 1% of digital marketers & generated over $10+ million from my ads strategies...

And I'm excited to bring you the confidence and clarity you need when it comes to running ads with this one-of-a-kind mini course for local business owners.

See you on the inside,

Meet Your New Ads Coach

Hi, I'm Christina McMasters –

I'm a German Shepherd mom, air softer and barre-obsessed...

I’m also an expert in Facebook Ads, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is in teaching others the skillset to generate more customers and freedom in their life.

More customers = more money + more freedom + more fulfillment.

And teaching people how to create that for themselves is what fulfills me.

I'm a college dropout who started her first business at 18 – An ads agency with zero knowledge of how to run ads.

Fast forward to today... I've invested multi 6-figures into this skillset, served over 700+ clients, racked up 600+ 5-star reviews, been acknowledged as among the top 1% of digital marketers & generated over $10+ million from my ads strategies...

And I'm excited to bring you the confidence and clarity you need when it comes to running ads with this one-of-a-kind mini course for local business owners.

See you on the inside,

still lingering down here? you might be wondering...

This sounds cool,

but Is this for me?

Let me tell you who this is for – this mini course is for the local business owners who are tired of the unpredictable revenue rollercoaster. It's for those that know they have a 5-star service or product, and say...

"If ONLY I knew how to get more people to know about my business..."

You may be like Andrea, who had wasted $1000's "boosting" her posts and had no leads to show for it.

Or, you may be like David who didn't even want to touch ads because he had no idea where to start.

I promise, ads are
not rocket science.
I've helped 100's of business owners with 0 prior marketing experience profitably run their own ads. You can do this.

You don't need to waste thousands in "testing", you don't need to spend thousands per month hiring a marketing agency, you just need the right information.

When it comes to Facebook ads for your local business, the biggest hurdles I've heard time and time again are:

1. How do I get started?
2. What do I click to start getting leads?

FOR JUST $47, I break down the foundations to getting started with Facebook ads, I walk you through the 5 steps to properly generating customers, targeting, pixels, and all the basics you need to feel confident and clear that you've got this.

Intro to Ads was made for the beginner to save them time, frustration and money. Allow me to walk you through like I have for hundreds of others!

Enough said, I'm in!

Get instant access to the Intro to Ads Mini Course and go from a complete beginner, to feeling clear and confident on how to advertise your local business. Worth over $800.

For Only $47!

Got Questions?

Does this Mini Course come with any hands-on support?

The intention with this Mini Course was to make it as affordable as possible, meaning hands-on support is not included.

If you're seeking a more hands-on, done-with-you option, I have a hand-held program that's just that! You can learn more about that here and all that it includes.

I'm brand new to Facebook ads, is this good for me?

That's exactly who this mini course was made for! This has all the essentials you need to go from a complete beginner to feeling confident within the Facebook & Instagram ads manager.

How do I get access to the Intro to Ads Mini Course?

As soon as you’ve made your purchase, you’ll get an email with login details where everything will be waiting for you. You’ll have lifetime access to everything inside, which means you’ll be able to move at your own pace and refer back to all the resources whenever you need!

I am not a local business – Would this still help me?

For the most part, yes. The information in this mini course is the fundamentals to Facebook & Instagram ads; however, it was designed with local businesses in mind. If you'd like a certain answer before purchasing, feel free to email me at

What if I buy this but it's not what I needed?

No problem! Email within 7 days of purchase and I’ll refund your money in full; no questions asked.

But, before you buy, let me clarify what this Mini Course is not:

This is not for those that are already familiar with Facebook/Instagram ads and are wanting more advanced strategies.

This is not for those seeking hands-on support, this is a DIY course.

If you are looking for either of those, my Ads Simplified program may be a better fit.

This is for beginners that are just getting started and are seeking the fundamental information to Facebook & Instagram ads for their local business. Please review all that comes within this Mini Course before purchasing to ensure this is for you!

I have a question that's not listed here...

Great! Email it to and I’ll get back to you ASAP. 

Are you ready?

The smallest decisions can

make the biggest impact.

This is one of them.


FOR Just $47 USD

Are you ready?

Small decisions can

make the biggest impact. This is one of them.


FOR Just $47 USD

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